Place: St Pete Beach, FL 40/54
Main activity: Sun - Swim, laundry, smoothies, football
Notes: Tired but woke 4a and only slight doze before 710a alarm. Up and gathered laundry and put suit on (with pants and jacket over) and headed to start laundry and then on to pool to swim laps. Pool only 80 deg and outside air very cold but laps felt good. Hot shower, finished laundry, made eggs with tofu & mushrooms, toast and coffee and watched a bit of CBS Sun morning. So political and skewed with media wrongness so didn't have much tolerance for it. Wanted to roast chicken but still fully frozen. Made smoothie batch in 4 jars for freezer - first time trying this. Football not very exciting, finished Soul Speak class - love it! Was looking into a landline and on phone w/ Spectrum for 45 min, talked to guy about finding an energy healer for his shoulder. Messaged Mary (and Denny - Chicago with condo next door) about using some freezer space while no one was here. Said "not possible". And then email from Debbie that MI guy from last year is planning to use the unit 3/27 - end of April. Two big signs that it's time to move on. 

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