Place: St Pete Beach, FL 51/56
Main activity: Sat - errands, football
Notes: Up and out the door early to get to Trader Joe's shortly after 8a opening. Had to really refill so was a big shopping. Back and around the house, chilly gray day, watched more of my new Julia Cannon course - love "Soul Speak"! Football started at 1p but wasn't super into any of the 3 wild card games (Buffalo, LA Rams and Tampa Bay came out victorious). More info on the state of the world in the evening drove me to Walmart for another $80+ worth of supplies for the coming of whatever chaos, power outages, food shortages and being stuck is coming. Also filled the car w/ gas, ordered a Jackery power pack and hot plate. Didn't get much sleep but feel calm and positive (somehow)! Pic of the messy small kitchen when preparing a simple meal.

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