
By ayearinthelife

Ride a White Swan

A very wet and miserable day today. So much so that I didn’t even bother getting properly dressed until after lunch!
Eventually the rain eased off enough to make going for a walk just about bearable so I set off, intending only to do a very short route.
By the time I got down to the river however, I was getting into my stride and was - comparatively - warm and dry so decided to stay out a bit longer. Came across the swans who were just drifting with the flow. The youngsters - who hatched in last years lockdown - are now almost the same size as their parents, though they still have a few brown juvenile feathers left.
One of the parents noticed me taking photos so obliged by flapping his wings to make for a more dramatic picture.
The rain turned a bit heavier at this juncture (obviously, as I was at the furthest point from home) so I trudged onwards, arriving back after covering a shade over 5K, just as it was getting dark. Definitely time now to shut the night out, turn the fire on and settle in front of the telly for the evening.

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