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By pplnani

Woolly Bear

......... sitting on the fence ....... he doesn’t need to spend ages wrapping up warm to go out like I do ;-))

My poor little Boo ( Bear’s brother ) isn’t very well. It started yesterday evening with him being a bit sick then he seemed really snuffly and looked quite poorly. We were trying to find out what was wrong when he had enough and hid under the bed where he stayed all night making snuffly noises.
We were really worried about him as he wouldn’t come out and hadn’t eaten or used the litter tray for ages.
We managed to get a vets appointment this morning but then came the incredibly difficult task of getting him out from under the bed and into the carrier ....... it was tough and very frustrating but we did manage it in the end.
The vet couldn’t tell for sure what it was but has initially treated him for a URTI and said if he’s not any better in two or three days he has to go into vets hospital for further investigation.
Poor lad is still under the bed snuffling away and won’t touch any food ......... we’re still very worried about him and I hate that I can’t see him because he’s behind some boxes.
I don’t think I’m going to get much sleep tonight either........... I’m not a happy bunny :-((

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