See it, Snap it, Share it

By pplnani


........... not a very original title I know but it’s the best I can do today :-/

My little Boo is still quite poorly and has remained under the bed most of the day. He came out for a little while around lunchtime but wouldn’t touch any food.
I started to get really worried late afternoon when he showed no signs of improvement as he hasn’t had any food or water for three days now. I always avoid looking illnesses up on the internet because they always seem to scare the living daylights out of people and you never really know how accurate the information is but I needed to know if Boo needed attention for dehydration ........... and everything I read said he did.
Hubby phoned the vets for advice and he was told to bring him in right away, which ( after another struggle extricating him from under the bed) he did.
Hubby was gone for ages and I nearly wore a hole in the carpet pacing up and down waiting for him to come home.
I was very pleased to see Boo come home too. The vet gave him a thorough check up and took some swabs to identify a possible cause, plus tried to clear away some of the mucus ( sorry if that’s too much information ).
The good news is Boo didn’t disappear under the bed this evening and looked interested in food but would actually eat anything because he’s still too blocked up to smell it.
It’s been another stressful day worrying about him, so I’m hoping he will eat something tomorrow, fingers crossed.

I nipped out to post something to mum and spotted this sunset on the way home ........ I’m glad I did or I would have been blipless yet again ;-/

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