Life and times of us

By Bumpster

Introducing Milo

There are still some work places in the Army which allow dogs to come to work with their owners. My current workplace is one of them and this is one of the characters who brightens my day, the Sergeant Major's dog, Milo. It is amazing the effect a dog can have on people. I find having one around often can be a de-stressor (if there is such a word) grown men and women who are quite tough under normal circumstances are turned to children as they play with Milo when they come into the office.

De-stressing is just what has been required today, back to work after a week off with the littles to find 176 emails, a number of discipline issues and that I have to move jobs for my last 5 weeks prior to maternity leave as the person I will be replacing has been sent somewhere at short notice. A phone call to Mr T on the way home did not improve the situation!! He too has had some issues with work today and so instead of sympathy for my day we are both in the home office trying to get things done. Luckily there's a homemade Cottage Pie for supper that he made a couple of weeks ago and put in the freezer...what a good husband :-))

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