Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2021 Tuesday — Colorful Sunset

The huge shrub on the right of the photo has a place in today’s story. I’ll include it at the end.

This morning early Mr. Fun & I woke to a veil of moisture and as the day progressed, we watched it recede to a sky of marblized ivory and gray clouds and at sunset it became a swirl of orange.

Six years ago today we were blessed to be in La Jolla for the wedding of our granddaughter Desiree to Justin.

Back in November we asked our neighbor if the shrub that grows between our two properties could be trimmed back because it is blocking our view to the north. Technically the shrub is on their property and therefore we would not just take the liberty to prune it ourselves.

Their house is a vacation rental; she and her husband are only here occasionally. This past Saturday they arrived and a couple days ago she sent a text asking if we were available to talk about trimming the shrub (that is large enough to be a tree). So she had told us she would be available about 4:00 today to take a look at the shrub and talk about what to do. So when Susan knocked on the door and we invited her in and showed her our view, she immediately could see the obstruction to the view. Our conversation with her was pleasant and we’re delighted that possibly soon the shrub will be pruned and our view will return.

From California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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