Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Wednesday — The Tunnel

This is a favorite place on our journey to the Central Coast. We enter this tunnel and then exit the other end and somehow it feels like we have completely changed scenery.

Last night Mr. Fun announced to me that he was feeling well enough that he wanted to leave in the morning and head to the coast. I had been waiting for days to hear him make that statement. The things I planned to take with me had already been gathered; I was just waiting for the notice to put them in the car.

We left after the morning commuter traffic should have subsided, and thankfully it had. The freeways were flowing; we never got into traffic; and after 3 hours and 50 minutes of driving time, we were at our destination. Hooray!

The two of us carried our things up the stairs and Chloe and Mitzi made sure their snuggly beds were where they had left them back on December 18th. We put away the refrigerator items we had brought with us, and then we just took a breather and relaxed for a bit.

With a full pantry and almost full freezer, I was able to craft a plan for dinner and that felt good; we wouldn’t need to make a run to the grocery store.

Sunset was joyful entertainment for our eyes, and then a home cooked dinner satisfied our stomachs.

Our bed had clean, never slept on sheets (I love doing that when we’re making our exit to be gone for a few days), so sliding into bed was a lovely familiar comfort. It’s so good to be back.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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