All ingredients ready for a freshly ground coffee tomorrow morning. Mike got this grinder and syrup set for Christmas, then his parents have us some coffee beans.

It's mike's first day back in work tomorrow since returning from Japan. So I am going to try and make his getting up as painless as it can be. I am going to grind and brew him some coffee and make him either toast or crumpets in bed. He seems to be not so bad in the morning though, its the afternoons and evenings he crashes.

I got up way too early this morning as I had the early shift today an had to start an hour earlier abd finish an hour earlier. My journey was so quick 30 mins door to door! And all trains and tube nice and quiet. I could do that more often....though I did not think that at 5.30am alarm went off. Far too early as I was very early for work!
I have my monthly travel card now so can get any buses/trains I like in zones 1&2 so no more getting charged and I can go a different and quicker way home avoiding the horrendous crush on the 4 coach overground...

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