Walking the Dog -70

Snow Dogs

Not like me to not do Abstract Thursday but it’s so seldom we get enough snow to make a good covering.
So it had to be another addition to my series ( if you look on the tag you can see them all ).
Had my first ballet lesson of the year, the poor teacher had to quickly act to do it on line as she couldn’t get to the studio.
I was a bit nervous beforehand as l always think l can’t do it when we’ve had a break but once we started it all fell into place.
Hips and knees let me know l’ve ignored them for a month.
A hot soak in the bath will still sort that.

Comfortable and warm, lots of available food and entertainment- TV , music, jigsaws, photography , puzzles and quizzes,  zoom exercise, cooking, sewing, face time with my family.
So much to be thankful for, miss the hugs and human contact but we can do this.

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