
By Lizian

stock blip

busy day today - spent all morning and most of afternoon putting new stock out at the market - but first the shelves had to be stripped off and dusted and then everything dusted and cleaned and new stock priced and displayed... kept me a busy bee today! these are four of the shelves, another 11 (some longer some shorter but eleven all the same) around the unit - more dusting done there than I do at home!

then had a meeting after closing - it was our branch AGM and as secretary i had to be there - so late home...

took the photos of all the shelves to email during the day, this is reason i took using the phone rather than the canon... so apologies for quality...

then had my first 'facetime' with little Alice a few minutes ago... so a busy, productive, and exciting day... = happy Lizzy!

time to relax now...

happy monday!

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