New 3rd ager

By 1pTrader

Emergency blip..

Got to the end of a lazy day and havent blipped, so this is the cover of a magazine I'm reading.

Last evening our black and white laid back cat limped in, evidently having met with a mis hap. He walked very slowly and gently, we lifted him into his chair ,where he couldn't get comphy and looked awful. We expected to go to the vets this morning, but with a bit of encouragement he got up, had a little food, took himself upstairs.where he has hidden under the bed all day. About 8pm, I coaxed him out, and he had a bit to eat,and used his box. He seems petrified more than injured....would lice to know what's happen. He is the most placid cat we gave ever had,and it's sad to see him so frightened.

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