
By yogajill


Another cold , grey , wintery day here in SW Scotland.
I shared my last yoga class of the week this morning. Yvonne even joined with her broken wrist ! Interestingly she said that a lot of her physio exercises were similar to practices in the class.
Afterwards I went for a short walk with Ana around our local streets. We could see snow on the surrounding hills , but there was none in Dumfries itself.
I went to bed in the afternoon as feeling very tired and sore.
The story behind the photo comes from my interest in birds / wildlife in general. I try to feed the birds in the back garden every day . This afternoon I spent time looking at the birds from the kitchen door . I tried to photograph a wee wren but it was too quick ,but then Mr Blackbird helpfully stepped in to be photographed. A beautiful bird.
I chatted to my son after he finished work. Another busy day caring for Covid patients.

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