Day 298 It's Abstract Thursday

I've managed to create an abstract but not really  fulfilled Ingeborg's theme of Symmetry.  I started out with a pic of the gorgeous jewelled hairslides that Zeus09smum bought Violet for Christmas and did quite a lot of things with it finishing up with using the Wave filter on PS Elements.  I think it looks a bit like a stained glass window.
In other news:  I had a nice Zoom chat this afternoon with my friend H.  As we can't go anywhere atm we've decided to chat weekly rather than fortnightly.

I always seem to end up posting each day's events the day after so this morning (Friday) I was devasted to see on FB that a friend of mine had died late Thursday evening of Covid-19.  I didn't realise that she was ill as she has never been a frequent user of FB.  My heart goes out to her husband and daughter.
Currently no further news of the family member in ICU other than attempts to wake her a week ago were not successful.
The virus and it's horrible consequences seem to be coming closer and frankly I feel more afraid than I did last March when this all began

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