
By Stokketjie

Lockdown breath-ing

Breath or is it breathe... every year YWA does a 30 day yoga journey in January. This year I was a bit late at the yoga starting blocks but ‘breath’ sounded like the perfect serene yoga journey during lockdown. However I read it as breathe, so when I sat in on the intro video with breathing in mind it suddenly had a very different feel when she said breath. Anyway, I have made it to day 6 nonetheless and will do the usual catching up by doing 2 a day as the videos get shorter as the journey goes on. During March lockdown I worked my way through the previous 5 years’ journeys and remember having a laugh with a colleague who at that stage was fairly new at the organisation. We had to do an icebreaker during training where you get sent to a virtual zoom room and have 5 minutes to learn something about that person which you then present back to the group (I generally dread that part of the training). But he said he barely manages it out of bed to start on time, let alone do yoga twice a day and some form of outside exercise. I realised I needed to perhaps tone down my enthusiasm. It was about the most interesting thing I could think up on the spot.

Today had some spells of sunshine but didn’t manage to capture them. I was too busy chatting to a friend who was sharing his photos of a recent trip to Zanzibar and will be returning to work from there in a couple of days. I could feel the warm summer sun through my phone. It felt good.

Today everything is flooded again...amazing. It will make for an interesting running route tomorrow.

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