And All Is Well
‘and all is well in the world. Well, it’s not
but…you know.’
- Lady G, Blipfoto 10/01/21
You’ve slept well
and woken late.
You might doze,
a little longer.
It’s going to be
one of those good days.
The overnight rain has ceased
and sunlight
is peeping through.
You’ve not switched on
your phone
nor examined
any headlines,
not checked for messages
not thought about
what you might do today.
Perhaps you’ll do nothing.
It’s still out there of course.
It’s in the air
and it’s spreading.
But you’ve slept well
and woken late.
Possibly porridge for breakfast?
And croissants?
And black tea?
For now,
your head is clear
and all is well in the world.
Well, it’s not…
you know.
Lady G's Frosty Feast
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