Spring will come!

On my walk this afternoon, this cardinal was the brightest spot I saw in the drab gray, brown, and white landscape. A walk in the park today was only for the hardy or the idiotic, and I'm not sure which describes me. The walkers, and there were precious few of us, wore winter coats, hats, and scarves as protection against the bitter wind gusts, the kind that nip the nose and freeze the toes and fingers. As I stood on the pedestrian bridge looking up the river, a sudden curtain of snow obscured the scene, but along the trails, beneath the shelter of the trees, the undergrowth has begun to turn spring green. Our weather is in a state of flux.

I was glad I got out for a little exercise today, but even gladder when I made it back to the parking lot and the protection of the car. The few warm sunny days we enjoyed last week are long gone, but I am stubbornly repeating this mantra to myself: spring will come, spring will come, spring will come. Oh yes, SPRING WILL COME...hopefully before July.

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