Blip Preservation

Today's blip is the only tangible reminder I have of a wonderful afternoon I spent with my two sisters six or seven years ago. One sister lives in Florida and the other in Arizona. I live in Ohio. As a result, we don't get together very often. But that beautiful summer afternoon, the Arizona sister, who was spending the summer in Maryland near the Chesapeake Bay, made arrangements for the three of us to have lunch at an herb farm. When we arrived, after driving down a long country road, we were escorted into a handsome mid-eighteenth century stone farmhouse, seated in the dining room, surrounded by period furniture and antiques of all sort, and served a delicious four or five course luncheon that had been prepared especially for us. I don't remember too much about the actual food we ate except that it was perfectly prepared, graciously served, and tasted wonderful. I do remember it was the first (and possibly last) time I ate marigolds and nasturtiums, which were included in the salad course.

After the meal, we were invited to walk through their herb garden and gather herbs which were made into bouquets for us to take home as a remembrance. This herb bouquet has been hanging on my wall ever since, but the time has come to let it go as it is covered with dust and much too fragile for any dust removal efforts. So in the future, instead of a dust-laden bouquet, I will have this picture in my Blipfoto journal to remind me of that very special afternoon. If I had been a blipper at that time, I could have posted a picture of the farmhouse in my journal, but not even Joe was blipping back then, so this picture of the bouquet will have to suffice.

On another note: It may be April. Spring may have sprung (or not). But the temperature is only 30 degrees Fahrenheit, and I had to clean the snow off my car before I could drive home from Alpha tonight. Bah humbug!

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