
By Livingandloving

The Big One

Such a GREAT day.

Sugar had a private "make-up" class for TAP dance in the morning. It was fun, and productive. She isn't feel so behind now from being sick so long.

Then we headed off towards the ocean to visit some friends at their house for the first time. We have known eachother for over 3 years now, but just never went to their house. The little one spent the night at our house for the first time a few weekends ago.

The day was STORMY, but also beautiful. I love how that can happen. I took this shot overlooking the ocean. The waves were AMAZING, and the surf was so white with foam. Could have watched forever, if I had brought proper clothing. It was cold. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......

The girls were so sweet together wandering around hand in hand or arm in arm. With both mama's being photography nuts, there were plenty of opportunities to pose. I love my Sugar's Bright sweatshirt. And little "L"......her coat framed her face so well. All in all....we just loved seeing our little opossoms together! :) They were serious.....and Silly, too!

It was such a GREAT day!

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