Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Development Opportunity ?

I walked past this "Development Opportunity"  on my walk today and it reminded me of my early Blipfoto project following the Compass points around the valley

An early entry Northeast by North was of this view of NHS Shire Hill Hospital That entry links to the story of The Workhouse, the building's former use.

No longer a hospital despite the protests of the locals and support from the then MP (who was in an opposition party rather than a Government Party) the hospital was closed.

What will happen?

In the current climate it will lie empty and become derelict then when of rock bottom value will be converted into apartments   or demolished for yet more houses crammed into this corner.

OR If the current government get a chance to do it, will it become a Workhouse all over again?   ( not that they would dare call it a workhouse, a new name will have to be dreamt up to cover that fact)

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