May all your dreams come true....

Five years ago it was my Boss' big birthday.... It's another biggy today. 

See the walking stick he is wielding with such ferocity - that has become a baton of passing years.  

He and three of his friends all hit the milestones within a few months of each other.... Whoever's birthday it is receives the walking stick.  Gallus (for that is how I will refer to him) ... received it two weeks ago in the post.  For this month it is his turn. 

We can't do the birthday cake at work, for we are all working from home, but I did give a rendition to him this morning, ably backed up by Si and Stevie. 

This cake I made for him, but Jessica is eating on his behalf. 

I made a cake like this five years ago for him, and boy did that lead to  a saga. 

Another chap who used to work for us, came to speak with me about a week after the birthday.  "For my birthday", he announced with glee, " it has always been the tradition that I get to eat what ever i want".    "This year, it will be the cake you gave Gallus".    

"No" I said, "that is Gallus' cake".  

"Yes", he answered", "I know that, but I want one the same.   I will pay you handsomely for it and i want twice as much icing on it as you gave Gallus". 

"Okay", I said, "I'll do it".

For the next three weeks, every single bloody day he came into the office, bouncing like a toddler who had just taken an overdose of caffine.   "My cake, My Cake, I have been telling everyone about MY CAKE". 

At the end of the third week, i could take no more.  

"Listen, You", I screamed, "I bake cakes for pleasure, and maybe a little joy from the recipient, if the cake is edible; I do not bake to order, and I certainly do not like being put under this kind of pressure.  If you mention this bloody cake once more to me before your birthday (Which was three months away).  I will not be making you a bloody cake. 

And that was the last I heard of it until the morning of his birthday. 

I won't go in to the spasms of ecstacy he went into  upon receipt of the cake.  

Nor the fact he took someone elses fairy cakes from the fridge (because he wanted to take the cake home WHOLE, but he wanted everyone to have some Dogwithnobrain Baking),  or the fact that he walked out the door that evening, to go back to an empty house with a WHOLE cake to consume himself (His wife had gone away for the weekend). 

He did insist on bringing up the deliciousness of the cake at every opportunity.  Every birthday, I celebrated in the office with a cake  - never matched "His cake".  Of course none of us knew, because none of us got a slice..... 

And while he raved about my baking and the cake for years after... I like to snigger to myself knowing that My Friend Betty Crocker was the genius behind the cake and the icing. 

Thank everyone hugely who stopped by to congratulate me on my 4000th Blip yesterday....  Can you believe  4,000  heavens above,,,,, at least I can't say , what  have I done in that time..... I have a lovely journal which details what I have done for every day. 

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