No body Said It was Easy

Slightly perturbed today. 

We bought a new mattress.  Booked the council to uplift the old one, and an extra one which has been stowed under the bed for 10 years.   

I don't know about you - but when a mattress is ready to go out, it's ready to go out. If I  had thought it was okay for recycling I would have offered it to someone. 

So Sunday night Himself and I dragged them both downstairs and out into the pavement space.   All sorted, all well and good. 

I was face down in the dishwasher this morning and I heard Himself come back downstairs - opens the front door, and hears this. 

"That mattress there, the one underneath (which had been laying on DAMP GROUND ALL NIGHT), - Okay If I just take it. 

Himself says "It's not fit for lifting, and we paid the council to come and take it". 

He says "I can take it for the back of my van". 

I shout, "We paid £35 to get it lifted, it's for the skip". 

"He says, "it' would fit in the back of my van". 

Himself Says, "you know what the council is like, if we paid they for 2 mattresses if there aren't two mattresses, they probably won't take the one".  

And eventually, off he goes.  And I watched him drive off. looking longingly at the old smelly mattress. 

I don't know about you - but I just dont feel comfortable about someone wanting to sleep on my stinky old mattress, which is home to any number of smells, and sweat.  It needed to go out and out it went. 

The photo- in case you are wondering, is not of the mattress but of a Teeshirt which I finally managed to get Himself to throw out.  He bought it in Wilmington 2018 - when we were last there and has worn it at least 3 days a week since.   He loves it.  It portrays Edward Teach.  Blackbeard terrorized the Cape. 

He loves it no longer.  It's in the bin, and if anyone asks if they can have it. 


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