
By LifeLines

New rhubarb bed

Not an attractive photo but it records my progress at the front of allotment Plot 2 where today, I finished digging out another rhubarb and created a new rhubarb bed.  You can see the root I have removed just behind the new bed.  I can see I have some wonky posts to straighten and the unsightly bins will be stowed away out of sight in a new storage area I am about to create.

Other than this, I've walked the dog (yesterday), practiced my massage routine on Andy (this morning) and have tried to regain some energy and stamina after a rather draining week at work.  Tonight we'll FaceTime my sister and her family and then hopefully we'll have an hour or so to relax.  I want to try to read more but I find it quite hard in the evening when I am tried and the light is poor.  May be I need a proper reading light.

Take care and all the best.

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