Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

More paper testing

Tested the paper with some more mediums.

Water colour - nope
Pens - yes
Colouring pencils - mixed feelings, don't know if I want to finish.

The lions name is Colin, I've upgraded him from my original, he has a nose now.

Today has not gone as planned. Started to feel faint in Morrisons so sat down, a member of staff came and checked on me and got me to somewhere quiet. They gave me a drink, something to eat, gave little mouse a drink. Called the first aider (I am a first aider lol) and then they asked if I was done with my shopping because if not they would go round and get the rest. But I was done so they put it through the till, packed, took it to my car and loaded it. All I had to do was pay.

I said I often feel dizzy when shopping because of the mask but normally I manage. They have assured me that it is fine for me to not wear one, or remove it if I am struggling (hidden disability).

I sat in the car with little mouse and I loaded up amazon so he could choose a nerf gun, he has been desparate for one and he was a little star so he definitely deserved something.

Got home (very very short drive and I waited until I felt safe). I sat down with a bad headache, I couldn't stand wearing my glasses and I was so terribly cold. A little while later I discovered I had not in fact taken my morning meds.

In other news I finally took the plunge and ordered some new glasses online. Even with getting reactions they have cost a fraction of what I would have had to spend on the high street. Fingers cross they suit me because I opted for a slightly different frame shape.

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