Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


I’ve done done any drawing in years so don’t judge too harshly.

I erm really should think about the size of things before I say yes to reviewing them. Drawing pad was offered and I thought well why not, I fancy picking up the watercolours again. I did check that it should at least be suitable, I just didn’t really consider the size. It’s A2.

So I have taken out a single page and folded it down.

I am not hopeful for the paper, despite them saying it’s suitable for wet mediums I really just don’t think so. So well I will find out. At least I am having fun.

So in the on going saga of the tumble drier. Yeah it’s not fixed. Well it’s better than it was it’s almost fixed I can at least dry things but the sensor dry function doesn’t seem to be working properly. So I will be phoning them back on Monday. By at least it works well enough that I am not caught up with the washing.

No longer having a washing mountain meant that we were able to get the ladder to the loft so Christmas has been banished again.

I have also managed to fit the new car seat. Little Mouse has almost hit the weight limit for his Joie 360 and I took advantage of Black Friday to get him a 25kg rear facing seat, so now he will rear face until at least 6. It took absolutely ages for the seat to arrive but it was worth the wait.

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