Virtual induction

Dry enough today to let me press ahead with weeding the front garden. Some weeds are appearing. But the main challenge is the wild garlic. I spent days last year digging up bulbs but I knew I had not got them all.

At least just now the crocus and other bulbs have yet to appear and the wild garlic is ahead of them.

I stopped in time to join the Facebook and zoom streaming of the service of induction of our new church minister, the Rev Dr. Alexander ( Sandy) Forsyth. Normally the church would be full but we knew that was not going to be possible. But even our plans for 20 people in the church had to be abandoned due to the tighter restrictions.

So, instead, everything was online.and, despite the constraints, was a very good service of induction. Our congregation moves into a new stage: 15 months after our last mInister left.

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