Morphine is my friend.

Well it's a early blip from me as I might be out of it later after a general anesthestic.
I started getting tummy pains yesterday afternoon, and it just for worse. Through the night was awful. So I went to the doctor's this morning and was sent to the hospital for suspected appendicitis. Well the surgeon say's I'm presenting with all the symptoms that fit it. I've had morphine a few times but I'm still quite sore.

Mr R took the day off to work from home and has had the Wildlings all day. This will be my first time ever away from the Jedi. I feed him to sleep and he has me through the night. And tonight he won't. Tonight he will have to try a bottle or a cup and probably won't take that. I need to not think about it or I'll get upset knowing that he might be distressed.

Xander was quite happy he didn't do any work today. Well I got Mr R to get him to do some sumdog for a bit.
I am hopefully going to get to speak to them before I go to theatre which is happening in the next hour or so. I will be glad when the pain is over but I miss my babies.

I am so thankful again for X's teacher who just gives us great support. And a new blipper MrsMud , is X's big friend at school she works in the office and is amazing with him. She's helped him come out of many meltdowns.

So I shall catch up with you all when I can. X

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