A walk with the wild one

Well Xander didn't go to school today. He was complaining of a sore tummy. It's so hard to tell with him.i gave him some calpol and then he was crying later that it was still sore. Some ibrufofen and he's been as right as rain. He's had food and feeling much better. 

We went a walk to dalscone to get some eggs. The Jedi is great at walking but will have little mini meltdowns. I wouldn't let him chew on a stick ;-) so he sat down and had a moan. 

Harp and Lincoln both had a good day at school and nursery. 

Thanks for Mr R's birthday wishes. 
I'll hopefully not wait too long for my injection. I had one before ( NHS) that didn't help with the pain only helped with my movement so he's hoping using the ultrasound will make sure it goes into the right spot. 

It's been a productive day today. I've also had to fill out a few forms for a meeting I have on Friday. 

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