Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

'Enjoy' I think is the right translation, on this tea label. That I do. It's a smooth fruity black tea I found when I was coughing so much. I prepared this tea without milk, with honey and a slice of lemon. Really tasty. It's not purple... that colour comes from the growth light in my window. :)
So, today I finally went in search of the other post boxes and found them almost right away. I haven't seen them before, so I think that's why I didn't look in that direction. With the pandemic going on I think it's really good with theses kinds of postal system service.
When I came home I didn't even reach my door until a lady with a dog asked me a lot of questions about the apartment complex, the size of the apartments, rents and a lot of other things. I had frozen food in my bag and really wanted to get inside. She was really chatty and the dog was looking at her as if it said Pleeeeease, can we goooooo now?? Such a sweet little dog with large black years and a really short nose. Finally she finished the conversation. I did take my keys out to show her I wanted to get inside, and after a little while I think she got the hint.

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