Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

This is how it looks with the large 'bookmark' inside. 
I glued down fabric on one of the book covers and then just placed the bronze details on to see how it would look. The cover will take some time to finished but the papers inside will soon be done. I'm currently dyeing papers with avocado skins and a pit. I build the parts from several avocados (after removing the yummy parts and cleaning the skins the best I could) for an hour, then let it cool of and remove the skins and the pit. I poured the water into a new container and placed papers in the water. It'll stay in there until tomorrow.
Then I'll try with onions, yellow and red. Only the skins from the yellow but the whole onion from the red one. It'll be fun to see if the colours will turn out as I hope. :)

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