
By ayearinthelife

Love Shack

I actually took this photo yesterday but am counting it for today as I knew I would be going past again this afternoon. I also knew I would be running rather than walking today and wouldn’t have wanted to stop to take a photo.
Not sure whether it’s just someone having a laugh with the sign or if this posh cul-de-sac is indeed a hotbed of passion. I guess we’ve all found different things to do in lockdown!
Probably shouldn’t have gone for a run as I don’t think my Achilles is fully healed, but I was desperate to do something as the walking just wasn’t doing it in terms of expending energy. Only did a leisurely 5K but it’s aching a bit now so I’ll probably not try another run until next week. Not such a hardship as the forecast is pretty grim for the next few days!
As always after a run, my mind was a lot clearer and calmer. I treat each run like a disk cleanup, working through any outstanding issues and dumping anything that is irrelevant or annoying. Never would have believed it before I started running, but it does definitely seem that this sort of exercise is as good for your mental health as it is for your physical well being.
The other big difference today was that the paths were considerably less crowded. Not only was progress a lot easier but, everyone seemed a lot friendlier. Instead of scowls as you tried to get past knots of people blocking the path, I was given waves and cheerful greetings. Highlight was the young lad (no more than six or seven) who stood and watched as I panted past before saying “you’re doing really well”. I don’t think he was being patronising, so I’ll take it as a compliment!

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