
By ayearinthelife

Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head

Well, Mrs C’s head anyway!! This is after we returned from our - very short - walk in the rain this afternoon. I took the brolly, she relied on her new Rohan coat. On the basis that I am sitting here with damp feet and legs, it is possible that she made the best decision in terms of weather protection.
The promised rain arrived in the early hours and hasn’t stopped all day. Given that it’s not forecast to stop until Thursday, I hope the river doesn’t get too high as flooding is absolutely the last thing we need at the moment!
Apart from some weight training this morning and the walk this afternoon, today has been mostly spent in front of the telly. I did make a half hearted attempt to solve the ongoing problem on the PC regarding it forgetting passwords and settings, but gave up after deleting a few unnecessary programmes and updating/re-entering some of the account settings, as all of that had no effect whatsoever! I’ll have another look at it tomorrow but I’m not holding out much hope and can’t help but feel a new PC might be the only solution in the end.
Just hoping the weather turns out not to be as bad as forecast tomorrow so a longer - and drier - walk is possible. But I’m not holding my breath...

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