The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Hidden Gems

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Murphy decided that the best way to deal with his healing paw was to lick and bite it for 2 days solid which unsurprisingly didn’t do much good and it’s now very swollen and red. I had a video call with a vet today and I will have to take him in tomorrow.

To be honest, I have been having a fed up couple of days. No real reason - just a touch of winter blues/lockdown boredom.

Thankfully, having found the humour in Nextdoor, it’s quite addictive*. I am amazed by some of the things that people genuinely get worked up about/find interesting and choose to share. Yesterday’s discovery of Mike Hunt’s** profile was like hitting the jackpot.

Now perhaps I am being very childish and poor Mike was bestowed with a very unfortunate name but I suspect not.

In December, someone had posted a dire warning in the ‘Crime and Safety’ section...

“Broken TVs being sold as new from the back of a silver transit van by two Irish guys. Be aware DO NOT BUY FROM THEM***. They say they will take a deposit and come back for the remainder, but once they have any money from you, you’ll never see them again. And then you find out the TVs are broken or knackered.”

The post also included a picture of the van driving away.

There were a few comments from people who had also spotted the scamsters or were advising to call the police.

Mike’s comment:

“How much you selling the TV for?”

I was p1ssing myself!


*Its sad I know but I have a lot of spare time on my hands at the moment.

**no need

***a genuine post - not a joke. Lucky really or I might have been in trouble next time I wanted a new TV. It’s a sad day when you can’t trust someone selling out the back of a van. What’s the world coming to?

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