Just like riding a bike

After our zoom team meeting this morning I had to pop into the office and collect some bits and pieces. As it wasn't raining, I thought I'd take the bike. It's clearly been too long since I rode it last because there are some definitely achey muscles as a result. The beauty of our office is that it's above, on the ground floor a bookshop, and on the first floor a second hand bookshop. I made the most of nobody being around to have a good mooch and came across this one that I've been meaning to read for a while. For this book I'd like to request that some of the author's brilliance could simply get inside me by some form of osmosis?

This afternoon I cycled again (why didn't I learn) to see my line manager for a walking catch up. She's a woman full of grace and wisdom and I feel better for having talked some things through with her. 

So, all in all, well in advance of my one hour outside today. I'm preparing myself for a couple of days of hibernation now, having seen the forecast, so I'm glad to have had such a wonderful day of bobbing about today.

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