
By Houseonahill6

Standing proud.

The sky was full of interesting clouds this morning and the sun was bright.I spent some more time in the garden and although it felt fairly warm to start with it did not take long to feel cold.
The Robin was singing away , his favourite perch being in the roof.The bluetits are definitely exploring two of the boxes and both woodpeckers have been around too.
The horses came down to the bottom of the field.There’s a branch that came down in the last storm and this handsome horse likes to have a scratch .
Richard popped over in the afternoon to pick up a Hoover we had for him and a Shepherds pie. It was pouring with rain so we had to stand , spaced out, under the carport.It was lovely to see him and to have someone else to talk to.
We watched another two episodes of Bridgerton in the evening.
The temperature is dropping again.

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