First butterfly pic of 2013

And it wasn't a Monarch, Madeira's largest and most beautiful butterfly.

I've seen them in three places on the island but in each they've been too quick. This morning I headed to the Santa Catalina Gardens on the way into town but I still couldn't capture a photo of the one there which did put in an appearance.

Far more cooperative was this one, a Clouded Yellow I think, which did pose politely.

I also took shots of a Long Tailed Blue and a Small Copper but I can't link them I'm afraid.

But I'm still going after those Monarchs again, even if it is windy. And I hope to be going on a Butterfly walk on Saturday morning but so far I'm the only booking and they need a minimum of two. Fancy it anyone?

Ps. We went for Afternoon Tea at Reids. On the way a Monarch posed, really close. Wonderful. But I didn't want to ditch my lovely yellow. Hope I see one another day.

I have managed to put it in my Blipfolio under Madeira.

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