
By Jen_Elliot

A Week of No Drinking

Is a screenshot a photo? I'm claiming it is.

The above is my drinkaware app. Been doing it since Aug 2019. Each day you note what you drink. At first I did it to have a reason to refuse a drink. Might seem daft but making sure I had two no drinking days marked off gave me a reason to not accept a glass of wine some nights.

After the first year I learned I generally do keep below 14 units a week and when I go over I generally stay under 20, although I think the app did influence my behaviour because I didn't want to report, say 10 or 14 units in one sitting.

The above however has never previously occurred. I didn't set out to do it but once I realised I had 4 in a row, it seemed silly to not go for the week. It sort of started on Thurs 14th, the day I got the covid vaccine. I reckoned it was silly to drink that day and for 48 hours after, so that ticked Thurs, Fri and into Sat. I worked a waking night on Sat into Sunday so no option to drink. Then it seemed silly to not get the week.

I realise many people go weeks and months without a drink. I really like a drink but the best drink is always the first one, so I find it not too hard to stop at one or two but I really do like one or two.

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