Cold and frosty

Although this boy isn’t bothered. I was trying to capture the frosted lichen growing on the rail when Mackie appeared from under the veranda to have his pic taken.

The visit to Helen the vet was cancelled, she phoned to say it was very icy on the road over there, the e car is heavy and not good on ice, the hill road is not great at the best of times but when icy the steep bends are notorious, particularly if a vehicle is coming the other way The two pusscats destined to go for the vaccination had stayed in the house bless them, we will have to arrange for another day.

As mentioned last night Greyboy turned up and a photo for the record, he has disappeared again this morning. I had a lovely zoom chat last night with five friends from school, it was a 70th of one ‘girl’ and her daughter organised us all. Just wonderful! It is twenty years since we formed a group to meet every so often, sometimes for lunch when I am in the south, or a weekend away, it’s always a hoot! I can’t describe the feeling it leaves me with, I’m sure you will know what I mean through your own friends and family.

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