Smokey 1241 hr
Quickie blip.
Have been wading through a card box of old 6x4 prints labelled Cats for the last few days and have taken few pictures, or had much time to spend on Blipfoto. Instead I've been re-living memories of former cats, all different, all wonderful in their unique way.
Blip #923
Consecutive Blip #000
Day #1066
Smokey series
Backdated cat backblips:
Monday 12 October 1987: Locket (posted 25 February 2013)
Tuesday 3 November 1987: Lizzy (posted 25 February 2013)
Friday 6 November 1987: Locket (posted 25 February 2013)
Sunday 22 November 1987: Locket In A Basket (posted 26 February 2013)
Thursday 30 March 1989: Lunchtime Lucifer (posted 26 February 2013)
Lozarhythm Of The Day:
!!! - Slyd (2013)
Apparently '!!!' can be pronounced in many ways, the favoured version being 'Chk Chk Chk'. Today's young people ;-).
One year ago: Queen Duck
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