Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2215. Pearl January 20

I do love brooches and this one is so pretty with a small pearl in the centre. I decided to set out my remaining pearl items to get me to the end of the month and it appears that I just about have enough items with pearls in them to last me right up to the 31st!

Haven’t felt all that well in the last 24 hours probably because of the vaccine yesterday but hopefully it won’t last too long.

I have been following the news about the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine after one dose being as little as 33% meaning that it will be another 12 weeks before the next dose to have the level of protection claimed by Pfizer. The government may have to rethink the 12 week wait which will no doubt cause chaos due to limitations on the supply of the vaccine. My attitude remains that I’d rather have 33% protection than none at all! So perhaps they will decide that the second dose needs to be given sooner rather than later? Who knows!

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