A quick and quiet walk today - or so I thought.
My walk today happened to take in a very small part of the Cleveland Way, a long distance coastal path in NE England. There are some wonderful signs pointing the way (see the end sign here).

For some reason one sign stood out like a flashing light - and this is my image today. Not knowing anything at all about Trail Blazing imagine my surprise at the storm I unearthed.

It would appear that these metal box signs have been installed permanently across all National Long Distance Walk Trails. The boxes are checkpoints to record the time when walkers, runners, and endurance athletes (just like me !) pass on special Trailblaze timing tags. Natural England is providing help and support and also the funding.

Now everyone should be free to enjoy their leisure time but it appears that there is a hugely popular Say No To Trailblazing Website that disapproves of the vandalism of trail furniture. The arguments are quite fierce and can be followed clicking the link above.

As for me I just want everyone to enjoy this beautiful coastal area, but I have to agree that these signs are a bit of an eyesore ! Happy days !

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