
By LyndyH

Oh no, a camera!

If you've read my profile, you'll know that I'm camera-shy, not about being in front, but about being behind a camera. In fact, I have a phobia about using a 'proper' camera.

Mr H thinks I have an eye for a good photograph and to encourage me to continue blipping he has bought me this camera. It arrived from Amazon yesterday.

I've just got it out of the box to photograph for you and have promptly put it away again!

It's too scary!

I have accepted the compliment about my photographic eye, but I'm not convinced this will translate into good images if I have to twiddle with buttons and understand terms like aperture, jpegs, depth of field, macro ......

Mr H is the photographer in our family with bags full of lenses 'n stuff. I'm not so sure we have room in our house for another!

Mr H assures me this camera is simple to use and yes, it is lovely and compact.

I await my first lesson - 'how to switch it on' or should that be 'how to charge it up'?!


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