Black Swan
This morning, as forecast, was beautifully sunny and bright. I enjoyed my walk in the woods with Xena where we bumped into two other Vizslas who she played with.
I had a booking to go to the National Trust property near me, Claremont Landscape Gardens - it is always so booked up but I managed to get a 1pm slot (not a great time) and unfortunately by then the sunshine had gone. But the resident black swan was there and posing for whoever wanted to admire him. Black swans are native to Australia and are rare in the UK - in 2012 they found only 37 breeding pairs in the UK, although today there must be more. This black swan has no mate and I always feel sorry for it being on its own, but with limited numbers it is unlikely that he will find a mate.
I have a zoom book club meeting tonight, it has been a social week for zoom meetings! Usually for our January meeting we enjoy a wonderful Burns Night supper hosted by our Scottish member of the book club but sadly that cannot happen this year. I will miss it this year.
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