A sunny walk
Yesterday evening I had my appointment with a dermatologist. I have been experiencing a sort of rash in patches on my face since lockdown started, it is in little patches and I have been using an over the counter steroid cream to control it which is not ideal as the cream should not be used on the face. But during lockdown I knew I could not get to see a doctor about something so trivial so I just lived with it. I finally got fed up and saw a GP recently who misdiagnosed it as fungal and gave me a cream that was too harsh, so I booked an appointment with a highly respected dermatologist (covered by private health insurance) who told me last night that my 'little rash I described' is in fact a very severe eczema. Having never suffered from it in my life before she explained that it can often develop at my age from an allergic build up to something, and so while I have been given creams to relieve the symptoms, I have been referred to the specialist dermatology clinic in London for a patch test to determine the cause of the allergy, not sure when that will be as I am waiting to hear about the series of appointments for that. Creams are not a long term solution.
The appointment ended later than expected so I went straight from there to the camera club demonstration about printing and mounting images. It only finished at 10.30 pm so I could not eat supper when I got home and went straight to bed as I was tired.
This morning I think I lost 10 years in age trying to rearrange Tommy's 21st birthday dinner at Marcus. Trying to find a suitable date for 8 adults with busy lives in not easy, it was all getting a bit fraught with some questioning just how important someone else's diary event was - plus of course the restaurant is so booked up we did not have much choice of dates. I eventually settled on a date in March which is not ideal, its during the week and long after Tommy's birthday but at least I have avoided a family world war III. The restaurant staff were brilliant though, as this is the third time I changed the booking and they were very helpful trying to find a date for me. I am very sad it is not happening tonight as planned, and as we have not seen Tommy for his birthday we have decided to drive to Cambridge tomorrow to watch him play rugby for his college.
The Netflix film crew are in our neighbourhood for the third time to film at a neighbours house - the amount of cars and trucks is amazing, and some neighbours are getting very testy about it. Apparently the owner of the house was paid 50K for the use of his house as a film set.
Lovely Xena to the rescue - dogs are easier than humans, right?
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