Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck


My doom brained beloved BiL was a London bus driver. The ancient and gnarled would wait at the stops, wave their bus passes and enquire, "Are we twirly to use our pass?" He was removed from his position whilst demonstrating Hamiltonesque driving manoeuvres around Shepherds Bush. He never spotted the bus inspector.
Are these Iris too early? The Garden Fairy waited for the sunshine and spent two hours aggravating the soil. Then she hauled me kicking and howling from the warmth of my shed for a cup of Assam. Within a minute of us going indoors a female blackbird and a wren were prowling for bugs. 
The sunshine prefaced what is known in aviation circles as a "suckers gap" a pause in inclement conditions which has until then kept all the pilot types on the ground; unless of course you were a Capt Flash Heart type. Five minutes later a helicopter from the RN zoomed over, I shook my head because the weather closed in again and rain descended. Suckered.

The extra is my lads on Hayle pier during the summer, just before they happily launched themselves 15' into 28' of tidal flow. The elder is a fish and deliberately moved into the main river stream and simply swam against the current. Happy days to be a surfing brat in Cornwall. Second home buyers continue to wend their way here to buy bolt-holes. :-(( Apparently tiers are drops of eye water to a Range Rover or Audi driving eejit from London and many other locations. 
Stay safe, stay at home, stay away. Medication? Yes dear.

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