The Aching Body

Went out today to do round two of snow clearing. The snow above the door to our house was dripping and sliding off, and once I’d persuaded it down then the door needed clearing again; 50 m of snow to clear down to the cellar, getting to the doorway to The Red House and the barn, and finally clearing away the snow around and over the cars.
Just as we got started rain started to fall. Yes, the temperature had gone up and instead of snow we suddenly had rain!  So instead of 40 cm of fluff it was suddenly 30 cm of heavy and soggy snow.
 I kept working until it got dark, and until the rain started to reach my skin. That’s two days in a row I’ve ended up with soggy clothes but working keeps me warm and I can always retreat into the warmth if anything goes wrong.
But now I am really tired and the body is aching and I think an evening of tv is called for.  I did manage to get Netflix working again by resetting the AppleTV so I’m off to enjoy series three of Call My Agent, and some Parisian French life and language.

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