A puddle too far

We had a VERY stormy night last night, and some pretty big puddles had formed by this morning. Despite the continued wind and rain, Grace the intrepid explorer was determined to go out for a walk with us (and my niece, her partner and their baby girl, who probably weren't that thrilled to be out in the horrid weather!). Grace picked up a little stick and proceeded to drop and retrieve it from every single puddle along the road. And there were an awful lot of puddles. However, this puddle at the end of our track was a bit too big even for Grace to cross. Not that it stopped her having a go. Luckily, Daddy was on hand to pull her back!

(I've backblipped Monday and Tuesday).

A year ago: Haha! I featutured the same puddle - well, the same place anyway. How odd!

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