
My concussion recovery is now at a point where I progress by pushing thresholds as part of my rehabilitation. It's a mix of professional advice, my intuition, and experimenting.

When the amount of push is right, my brain adapts. Just like fitness training rest and time to recover is crucial.

Anyway, today's success. With the blessing of all those involved in my rehab I drove on my own to Horny, a busy area on the edge of Christchurch city. Previously I'd driven there with a friend and after a couple of errands, they drove home.

I met a friend there and he helped me as I made an expense decision. It didn't take too long and I was heading home again. More on that another day.

I handled it well. It took a lot oit of me and later I could only complete some of my home jobs. That's ok, I backed off and concentrated on the essentials.

Preparing dinner took much longer than usual. I got to see this back lit succulent. It's another success. A friend gave me some pieces. They originally came from her Mum many years ago and mine is starting to take.

Another success. :-)

Today's gratitude: For insight.

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