Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Wasps nest

This believe it or not is a wasps nest, they are not the huge nests that you have in the UK, they are generally about the size of a 50p coin and they build them anywhere. Last year I found one or two of them had been built under our garden chairs. I'm actually allergic to wasp stings, if I do get stung I need a cortisone injection and some antihistamin tablets, so I'm particularly careful with these little critters.

Not a bad day at golf considering I was told to apologise to someone (Olga) who had played off the wrong tee on a hole and it was deemed to be my fault, even though I didn't see this Olga until I actually came in to the clubhouse at the end of my round. Olga was told by our comp secretary that today we (the ladies) would be playing from the red stakes except from holes 3 and 7 when we would play from the red stones. One of our other ladies told Olga no this was wrong, play the 3rd from the red stakes which she duly did resulting in her putting in an N/R (nil return). I came first in my division and when asked where I played from on the 3rd I said the stones, a verbal altercation then ensued between Olga and the other lady. It was at this point that I was told to apologise to Olga as it was my fault she had played from the wrong tee, how can I apologise to someone when I didn't see them before they went out, therefore I was not the one responsible for giving the duff information. Any way I won 11 euros, so I'm happy.

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