Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren


It's been decidedly dull today, as it has been for a while. Not the best incentive to go photographing scenery. The dogs, however, need a walk. I took them to a footpath that runs through an are that is being hit hard by the forestry guys. One of the wonderful things that are done on this estate is that the boys work sympathetically with the land so, despite heavy thinning, the landscape has limited scarring despite the intensity of their work. Most of the tracks they have left on the soil will be gone in a year or so.

A small part of their mounds of trees, cut and ready to process, can be seen here. The wood is an important part of the estate income and full time woodsmen are employed to govern the plantations. They understand the ecology of the woods they tend and are careful to maintain some very important ancient trees in tip top condition. To ensure wildlife will prosper a good part of the dying and dead trees are left standing or felled to ensure habitats are left intact.

It's rare to see private environments kept so skilfully and it is heart warming to see the effects in action.

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